We met him up there when he had taken down all the stud walls and taken down the porch. It was quite a shock to see how much they did so fast!

This is the remains of the grand piano which apparently came from Harrods in 1939- can't think how they got it up to the house, but apparently the lady of the house was determined! We gave it a decent burial in the field above the house which is where the builders put all the rubble and all the excavated mud from digging out for the porch extension. The idea was that we would block the channel which the water flowed down so strongly after heavy rain and divert the water via a pipe into the field. Sadly they had to knock down the wall but we will make it good.
You can see that it is very muddy!
Digging out for the new extension - for porch and dog room.
take a look at the website to see what it all looks like now www.stayinswaledale.co.uk